【人類VS感染症~人類の逆襲は】テレ東NEWS - 2020/03/30
新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックを受けた緊急解説第2弾。 実はロミオとジュリエットも感染症の犠牲者?。(以上、YouTubeの説明文より引用)
【A World Without People】テレ東NEWS -2020/04/20
People have disappeared from the streets across the world under the global lockdown. Cites and places are deserted. Japanese broadcaster TV TOKYO shows aerial footage of the cities and sites in France, United Kingdom, United States, Russia, Brasil, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Spain. Scenes not seen before are here.
Images were provided by Reuters and filmed from the second half of March to the first half of April 2020.